Enterprise Agreement Number Server 2016

Enterprise Agreement Number Server 2016: A Guide

If you`re a business that relies heavily on technology, then you`ll need to ensure that you`re using the latest software solutions to stay competitive. Microsoft`s Server 2016 is an operating system designed to help businesses operate their server-based infrastructure with ease. It provides a robust and efficient platform for businesses to run their applications and store data.

One of the key parts of using Server 2016 for your organization is obtaining an Enterprise Agreement or EA number. This number is required for businesses that need to purchase multiple licenses for Microsoft products. By purchasing multiple licenses under one EA, businesses can save money and ensure that all of their software is up-to-date.

So, what exactly is an Enterprise Agreement Number Server 2016, and how can your organization benefit from it?

What is an Enterprise Agreement Number Server 2016?

An Enterprise Agreement (EA) is a licensing program offered by Microsoft that allows organizations to purchase multiple licenses for various Microsoft products such as Server 2016. This allows businesses to save money by purchasing licenses in bulk instead of buying individual licenses at a higher price.

Once your organization has an EA in place, you`ll receive an EA number. This number is critical as it`s used to identify your organization`s licenses and track your software usage. This information is essential for managing your license compliance and avoiding potential legal issues.

What are the benefits of an Enterprise Agreement Number Server 2016?

There are a few key benefits to obtaining an EA number for Server 2016.

1. Cost Savings: As mentioned, an EA enables businesses to purchase multiple licenses at a lower price than buying individual licenses. The more licenses you purchase, the greater the savings.

2. Simplified Licensing Management: With an EA, your organization can manage all of its Microsoft licenses from one central location. This makes license management more efficient and allows you to keep track of which software is being used and by whom.

3. Flexibility: An EA enables organizations to choose the products and services they want to license. This allows businesses to tailor their licensing to fit their specific needs.

How to obtain an Enterprise Agreement Number Server 2016

To obtain an EA number for Server 2016, you`ll need to contact a Microsoft reseller. They`ll work with you to determine which licenses are best for your business, and then help you through the registration process.


If your organization is using Server 2016 or other Microsoft products, obtaining an EA number is a smart move. Not only does an EA number help you save money on licenses, but it also simplifies license management and provides flexibility when choosing which products to license. To obtain an Enterprise Agreement Number Server 2016, speak with a Microsoft reseller today.